Soulframe Preludes 7 Hotfix 2
Gepostet am: March 10th, 2025
Adjusted Tuvalkane's tier 1 crafting costs to require fewer rare materials.
Added a UI indicator to display upgrade costs for Combat Arts and Pact Arts and continued ongoing cost adjustments.
Improved Lady Deora’s combat responses in The Torment Stag.
Improved lighting and environment across Alca and in cinematics.
Increased Long Blade sprint attack speed.
Hark, The Collector Sparrow's Tale now scales from 3 to 5 waves based on the area’s enemy level with easy, medium, and hard difficulties.
Reduced Smite chance for Pact kicks.
Made enemies during The Last Pensive consistently level 1.
Made Ode Hunters refrain from using Voltaic Shot until level 9 (previously level 4) and with reduced frequency.
Removed crit from Fey Pact Arcanics to address inconsistencies.
Fixed Wintersquash visual effects to make them explode.
Fixed misalignment on Pact UI during introduction.
Fixed multiple issues for Undercity puzzles related to replication and host migration.
Fixed Cloudquell being removed from equipped items upon relogging or after death.
Fixed objective markers for a Sparrow's Tale in the north appearing outside the designated map area.
Fixed several incorrect weapon previews in Tuvalkane’s crafting menu.
Fixed an issue preventing hosts from entering Nightfold after Fenn Jotar was absorbed during The Torment Stag.
Fixed Fenn Jotar's Ignus Wroth Idol to last until exiting the Undercity during The Torment Stag as intended.
Minor effects and sound fixes.
Minor level fixes throughout Midrath.
Fixed crashes caused by Hark, The Collector Sparrow’s Tale encounter.
Fixed various script errors.