Soulframe Preludes 6 Hotfix 1
Paylaşım Tarihi: September 17th, 2024
Improved sparrow’s pathing, pacing of HUD, and overall Spectral Sight tutorial during the “Rise, Envoy” introduction tutorial.
Fixed some work-in-progress puzzles unintentionally being visible in-game that are not yet ready.
Fixed an instance where Envoys could get stuck in the Verminia customization screen if talking to her again after watching the Bromius cinematic.
Fixed clients being able to access Nightfold during the third Nimrod fight of the Brewer of Hues Fable.
Fixed players being able to access Verminia’s cave before finishing the second Nimrod fight and getting stuck during the Brewer of Hues Fable.
Fixed an instance where the sparrow would malfunction near the Glades during the Brewer of Hues Fable.
Minor audio and level fixes.
Fixed a crash caused by enemy AI.
Fixed script errors caused by the Brewer of Hues Fable.
Fixed a script error that could occur when interacting with Verminia in Nightfold.
Fixed a script error caused by a mirror puzzle.
Fixed script errors caused by Pacts.
Fixed a script error caused by the HUD.